--- title: "MAC1975" author: "Victor Navarro" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette bibliography: references.bib csl: apa.csl vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{MAC1975} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- # The mathematics behind MAC1975 A grand departure from global error term models such as RW1972 [@rescorla_theory_1972], the MAC1975 model [@mackintosh_theory_1975] uses local error terms and changes stimulus associability ($\alpha$) via an error comparison mechanism that promotes learning about uncertain stimuli: ## 1 - Generating expectations Let $v_{k,j}$ denote the associative strength from stimulus $k$ to stimulus $j$. On any given trial, the expectation of stimulus $j$, $e_j$, is given by: $$ \tag{Eq.1} e_j = \sum_{k}^{K}x_k v_{k,j} $$ $x_k$ denotes the presence (1) or absence (0) of stimulus $k$, and the set $K$ represents all stimuli in the design. ## 2 - Learning associations Changes to the association from stimulus $i$ to $j$, $v_{i,j}$, are given by: $$ \tag{Eq.2} \Delta v_{i,j} = x_i \alpha_i \beta_j (\lambda_j - v_{i,j}) $$ where $\alpha_i$ is the associability of (or attention devoted to) stimulus $i$, $\beta_j$ is a learning rate parameter determined by the properties of $j$, and $\lambda_j$ is a the maximum association strength supported by $j$ (the asymptote). ## 3 - Learning to attend The parameter $\alpha_i$ changes as a function of learning, proportionally to the difference between the absolute errors conveyed by $i$ and all the other predictors[^note1], via: $$ \tag{Eq.3} \Delta \alpha_{i} = x_i\theta_i \sum_{j}^{K}\gamma_j(|\lambda_j - \sum_{k \ne i}^{K}v_{k,j}|-|\lambda_j - v_{i,j}|) $$ where $\theta_i$ is an attentional learning rate parameter for stimulus $i$ (usually fixed across all stimuli). Although Mackintosh (1975) did not extend their model to account for the predictive power of within-compound associations, the implementation of the model in this package does. This can sometimes result in unexpected behavior, and as such, Eq. 3 above includes an extra parameter $\gamma_j$ (defaulting to 1/K) that denotes whether the expectation of stimulus $j$ contributes to attentional learning. As such, the user can set these parameters manually to reflect the contribution of the different experimental stimuli. For example, in a simple "AB>(US)" design, setting $\gamma_{US}$ = 1 and $\gamma_{A} = \gamma_{B} = 0$ leads to the behavior of the original model. ## 4 - Generating responses There is no specification of response-generating mechanisms in MAC1975. However, the simplest response function that can be adopted is the identity function on stimulus expectations. If so, the responses reflecting the nature of $j$, $r_j$, are given by: $$ \tag{Eq.4} r_j = e_j $$ [^note1]: Mackintosh (1975) did not fully specify the equations governing the change in stimulus associability. Instead, we adopt here the equation @le_pelley_attention_2016 used in their implementation of the model. ### References